About Us

Central Library Hub essential maintenance - Saturday 8 February
Public and staff computers and WiFi printing will be unavailable on Saturday 8 February at the Central Library Hub.
Other Hubs and libraries are not affected.

The Into Work Service provides employment and digital support to individuals actively seeking employment or looking to upskill.

We offer one to one support from our job clubs across Cardiff and intensive mentoring support through externally funded projects and volunteering opportunities.

Support provided by the Into Work Service includes:

Employment support – CVs, job search, job application, interview skills, applying for benefits, access to funding for training and removing final barriers i.e. childcare costs, interview clothing, work skills training (accredited and non-accredited), digital support to citizens living in Cardiff.

We also work with employers who are looking for employees, interview space and training in exchange for guaranteed interview space.

Get advice on the Benefit Cap
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