How we can help you…
The Into Work Advice Service can provide assistance with applying for Universal Credit and understanding how the Benefit Cap can effect you.
The Into Work Advice Service can provide assistance with applying for Universal Credit and understanding how the Benefit Cap can effect you.
We offer support and guidance on:
Access support via our Job Clubs located across Cardiff, via email or through the Into Work website.
02920 871 071
It’s a benefit which incorporate 6 existing benefits and it’s for people of working age group, on a low income, in or out of work. It has been introduced to give people the support they need to find and progress in work, but it is also meant to help people with their living costs.
It is paid monthly and it is made up of standard allowance plus any extra amounts that apply to you (for example: if you have children, disability or health condition, etc.). Your circumstances are assessed every month and what you are paid may change. The benefit cap may limit the amount of benefit you receive.
In order to claim Universal Credit, you will need to set up a Universal Credit online account.
The best, fastest and safest way to access the webpage is to sign in with the Verify
You will need:
When you apply, if you don’t have the whole documentation with you, it might affect how much you get when you get paid.
Don’t have a bank account or an email address? We can help you!
You can visit your local hub (and all our outreach locations) to:
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Our Into Work and Money Advice Team have put together some information to help you understand the Benefit Cap and how it may affect you. Further information can be accessed by visiting
£423.46 per week for couples and families and £283.71 per week for single adults. Although these limits apply from 7th November 2016, not all households will be affected by the change straight away. If you are affected, we will contact you to tell you the new amount of Housing Benefit and when this will change.
The Benefit Cap is a limit placed on the total amount of benefits a working age household can receive. By household we mean you, your partner and any dependant children that live with you.
No. If you, your partner or any dependent children living with you receive any of the following benefits you will not be affected, even if your income from the benefits listed exceeds the maximum weekly amount.
If you return to work and claim working tax credit, you will be exempt from the benefit cap and will be much better off each week.
If you agree to engage with the Into Work Advice Service, we may be able to award you a Discretionary Housing Payment for some or all of the shortfall in your rent. The Council has a limited amount of money to make these payments and can only make payments to those in greatest need. In exceptional cases we may be able to make an award without you engaging. See the Money Advice Team.
Review Your Finances
The Money Advice Team can advise you on debt and budgeting. They can also make sure you are getting all the benefits you are entitled to and will look to see if you may qualify for any extra help such as discounts on your utility bills.
Mr John was given financial help towards his rent while he engaged with the Into Work Advice Service. This meant the shortfall in his rent was paid by a Discretionary Housing Payment. He is now over £130 a week better off and is no longer affected by the benefit cap.
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One of our specialist advisors may be able to help you with mentoring, pay for childcare, travel costs and more.
To help us find the right advisor for you, please answer the questions below and a member of staff will be in touch.
By providing us with your contact details, you aware that an Into Work staff member will be contacting you. If you change your mind or wish to withdraw your consent to be contacted, please email us at
Phone the Money Advice Team or the Into Work Advice Service on 029 2087 1071
Email the Money Advice Team
or our
Into Work Advice Service
You can visit any of our Hubs for more information and help is available in many languages.
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