Volunteering in Cardiff

Central Library Hub essential maintenance - Saturday 8 February
Public and staff computers and WiFi printing will be unavailable on Saturday 8 February at the Central Library Hub.
Other Hubs and libraries are not affected.
Volunteer Cardiff Logo

Into Work Volunteering were the 2017 winners of the Digital Volunteer Awards organised by Digital Communities Wales. The service provides opportunities in several areas to gain the following:

  • A chance to help others
  • An opportunity to meet new people
  • Increased confidence and self-esteem
  • Ability to learn new skills
  • Access to free training
  • An insight into working for a Council
  • Customer service skills
  • A job reference if you are seeking work
  • Additional experience to put on your CV
  • Increase your chances of finding work
  • A chance to give something back and help your community
  • Flexible hours to suit you

Please contact us for advice or see the latest volunteering opportunities in Cardiff on the Volunteer Cardiff website.

Current Volunteers

Hours given by volunteers

Placements led to a positive outcome

Ex-volunteers now work for Cardiff Council

Skyline of Cardiff