Our Partners

Central Library Hub essential maintenance - Saturday 8 February
Public and staff computers and WiFi printing will be unavailable on Saturday 8 February at the Central Library Hub.
Other Hubs and libraries are not affected.

Our partner organisations

We work with a number of organisations to provide you with the best service possible.

If we cannot help you, some of our partners can provide specialist advice (subject to eligibility). Details of these and their contact information can be found below.

Employment Mentoring and Support

Communities for Work + is a voluntary service to help people who live in a Communities First (CF) area​​​​​​​​ and who need extra help and support to find work. Experienced Employment Advisers and Youth/Adult Mentors specialise in helping individuals with their specific needs.

📞0800 028 4844

🌐Communities for Work Plus | Working Wales (gov.wales)


Inspire 2 Achieve Logo

Professionally qualified Youth workers provide support to inspire, guide and mentor young people to achieve their goals to access education, training and employment opportunities.

📞029 2087 2709


Into Work Logo

Bright Futures Project offers 1:1 intensive, bespoke employment support to care experienced young people aged 16-24 years old. Within the project Youth Employment Mentors will provide financial assistance, extensive training opportunities and social activities to ensure their transition into employment is sustainable.

📞029 2087 1071

🌐16 – 24 Year Old Mentor Support – Into Work (intoworkcardiff.co.uk)


Into Work Logo

Bright Start Scheme is to offer care experienced young people a chance to complete six month work placements within an industry they are interested in as a career. Young people will receive a training allowance and support worker during the work placements.

This is offered through the Bright Futures Project; so all young people wanting to do a work placement on this scheme will be on the Bright Futures Project. This will ensure pre-placement support gets them ready for the work placement and the young people have support once the placement finishes.

📞029 2087 1071

🌐16 – 24 Year Old Mentor Support – Into Work (intoworkcardiff.co.uk)


Into Work Logo

Working with local partners to support access to employment, education, housing and healthcare supporting refugees living in Cardiff with leave to remain.

029 2087 1071

Cardiff Youth Service Logo

Eligibility: Young people 16-24, Economically Inactive, Not in Education or Training

Apply Via: Telephone call or email on the details provided



🌐Post 16 Youth Mentoring (cardiffyouthservices.wales)


We offer free courses to young people aged 11 to 30 who are out of work, education and training and currently based in the UK.

📞0800 842 84

🌐The Prince’s Trust in Wales | Where we work (princes-trust.org.uk)


Careers Wales Logo

Help to identify career options, pre-employment skills, help to find and apply for work or further education choices as well as looking at other routes into work such as apprenticeships

Eligibility: All ages – Living in Wales

Apply Via: Contact Careers Wales via the telephone/email address provided for direct information for all services including Jobs Growth Wales or visit their website.

📞0800 028 4844

🌐Careers Wales | Careers Wales (gov.wales)


Scope Logo

Online and telephone employment support programme for disabled people.

Eligibility: Are Disabled, Aged 16 and over, looking for a paid job, have internet, email and telephone or Skype access and live in England or Wales.

Apply Via: To self-refer call/email the number provided below.

📞0300 222 5742

🌐Support to Work | Disability charity Scope UK


Scope Logo

Help to achieve personal and employment goals through volunteering or training opportunities.

Eligibility: Disabled (including if you have a physical or sensory impairment, learning difficulty or autism), living in Wales, aged 16 and over and unemployed.

Apply Via: Online Application / Referral: Working on Wellbeing Application Form

📞020 7619 7139

🌐Working on Wellbeing | Disability charity Scope UK


We provide expert advice, practical support and campaign for single parents.

📞0808 802 0925

🌐Talk to us | Gingerbread


The Wallich Logo

Offering training and volunteering opportunities within the organisation including pre-employability skills, mentoring and industry-standard qualifications.

Eligibility: Are, or have experience of being homeless.

Apply Via: Call/email the provided email address/telephone number to enrol onto 6 month program.

📞029 20 66 84 64

🌐The Wallich | Welsh Homelessness and rough sleeping Charity


Platfform Logo

One-to-one peer mentoring support into EET.

Eligibility: For those who have experienced mental health challenges or are in recovery for alcohol or substance use and:

  • If aged over 25 – unemployed for 12+ months or receiving ESA or receiving Universal Credit
  • If aged 16-24 – NEET

Apply Via: Apply via referral form.

Referral forms or enquiries can be sent to the email address provided.

📞01443 845 975

🌐Platfform: for mental health and social change


Gypsies and Travellers Wales Logo

Supporting Gypsies and Travellers in Cardiff with advice, guidance, campaigning, tenancy support and employability skills. Providing learning & training and undertaking consultancy & surveys for local authorities.

📞029 2021 4411

🌐Gypsies and Travellers Wales – GT Wales


Cadwyn Logo

Free one-to-one coaching and advice on employment related issues.

Eligibility: Be a Cadwyn tenant or someone from the local community.

Apply Via: Self-refer by calling 02920 498898 and asking to speak to a Tenant Support Officer, alternatively you can self-refer via their website.

📞029 2043 4470

🌐Realise Your Potential – Cadwyn Housing Association



Support to gain the skills and experience needed to improve employment opportunities, increase potential earnings or improve quality of life.

Eligibility: Must be over 16 years old and a CCHA tenant or living in a CCHA property.

Apply Via: Referral form.

Send referral to the below email address or alternatively call/email directly to refer/self-refer.

📞029 2046 8490

🌐Jobs, Skills & Training – Cardiff Community Housing Association


Taff Housing Association Logo

Taff Housing association jobs and training programme helps Taff Tenants on their jobs journey delivering accredited Training courses to help existing TAFF tenants find suitable employment.

📞0800 121 6064

🌐Taff Housing Association – Affordable Housing and Support Provider


Elite Supported Employment Logo

Supporting adults with learning disabilities gain and maintain employment.

Eligibility: Provide an internal referral service for anyone with a learning disability, learning difficulty or autism

Apply Via: To refer/self-refer, call or email the below details to discuss eligibility and support needs or enquire online: https://elitesea.co.uk/contact-us/

📞01443 226 664

🌐Home – ELITE Supported Employment


Covering both pre-employment and in the workplace support. Access to a range of local support such as drug and alcohol addiction specialists or skills programmes.

Eligibility: One of the following – unemployed and have been receiving benefits for more than 2+ years, a veteran, reserve, partner of a member of the Armed Forces, homeless, young person in a gang, or have a drug or alcohol addiction, ex-offender or serving a community sentence, ex-carer, care leaver, refugee, or victim of domestic violence.

Apply Via: Referrals can be made via JCP adviser.

📞0300 456 8025

🌐Work and Health Programme Wales (maximusuk.co.uk)


Dedicated staff to work one-to-one with tenants on employment action plans, identify training needs and provide pre-employment soft skills.

Eligibility: Be a current United Welsh tenant.

Apply Via: Online Self-Referral process: Help with Jobs and Training – United Welsh

📞0330 159 6080

🌐Homepage – United Welsh


The Salvation Army Logo

One-to-one mentoring support and group workshops from trained staff.

Eligibility: For those who are, or are facing unemployment.

Apply Via: Contact directly to discuss the support available to you in your local area.

📞0207 367 4500

🌐Homepage | The Salvation Army


Step Into Health Logo

To help members of the Armed Forces connect to NHS organisations to set up training opportunities, work placements, insight days and application support to build a pathway into a career in the NHS.

Eligibility: Open to all: Service Leavers, Reservists, Veterans, Cadet Force Adult Volunteers or Families of the above

Apply Via: You would need to connect online and register your details to access support:

🌐Home – Step Into Health (militarystepintohealth.nhs.uk) 


South Riverside Community Development Centre Logo

Providing one-to-one employment and training support to help an individual upskill and/or secure employment. Can offer ESOL classes and volunteering support to build confidence and experience.

Eligibility: Females from a BAME background ages 25+ living in Butetown, Riverside, Canton and Grangetown

Apply Via: Contact Sharon directly via email/call on the email/telephone number provided. You can also pop in to South Riverside Community Development Centre on Brunell Street, Riverside and ask for Sharon.

📞Sharon – 029 2022 0309

🌐Believe – Credu – SRCDC


ITEC Skills and Employment Logo

Programme is designed to support unemployed adults to get a job, and stay in work by improving their employability skills.

Eligibility: Supporting unemployed people 25+

Apply: Refer/self-refer via email/call on the email/telephone number provided.

📞029 2066 3800

🌐Participants in Wales – ITEC (itecskills.ac.uk)


PeoplePlus Logo

CV Development Interview Techniques Increase Confidence Vocational Training Licences Qualifications.

Eligibility: Unemployed, 18+ in receipt of benefit.

Apply Via: Referrals can be made by Work Coach at the Job Centre. Alternatively, you can call/email at the details given below for self-referral.

📞0800 345666

🌐Wales | PeoplePlus


The Poppy Factory Logo

The Poppy Factory’s award-winning employability service supports veterans with physical and/or mental health conditions in England, Wales and Northern Ireland.

We provide:

  • 1:1 support to prepare you for work
  • Assistance in CV preparation
  • Local job searching
  • Interview skills
  • Guidance on how to share information with employers about a disability or a criminal conviction.

Is a physical or mental health condition making it tough to find a job? The Poppy Factory’s award-winning service is here to help!

📞020 8939 1837

🌐Ex-Forces employment support in England and Wales – The Poppy Factory


Funding Support

React Support Services Logo

Funding for reskilling after redundancy.

Eligibility: Become unemployed in the last 3 months as a result of redundancy, are under notice of redundancy within the next 3 months and live in Wales. Must not currently be on any other training funded by public funds.

Apply Via: Self-referral form online: React Support Services: Referral Form

📞029 2075 8109

🌐React Support Services | Care and Support for Vulnerable Adults



It offers guidance to disabled individuals who are already working, self-employed or looking for a job.

Eligibility: 16+, employed and have a disability or health condition that has a long term substantial adverse effect on their ability to carry out their job. Not claiming Employment Support Allowance.

Apply Via: Referral via Job Centre Plus, alternatively enquiries can be made via telephone call.

📞0800 121 7479

🌐Apply – GOV.UK

Training Advisors & Providers

Adult Learning Logo

Offers a range of flexible learning opportunities including employment specific ‘Get-Into…’ courses to assist learners to progress to further learning, training or employment.

Apply Via: Apply via referral form/online.

Send referral to the below email address or alternatively call/email directly to refer/self-refer.

📞029 2087 2030

🌐Adult Learning Cardiff – Adult Learning Cardiff


The Open University in Wales offers flexible part-time study, supported distance and open learning making higher education accessible to more people across Wales.

They provide a range of accredited learning including undergraduate and postgraduate courses and qualifications, part-time PGCE and degree apprenticeships, as well as free short courses to get started on OpenLearn.

Apply Via: The Open University and OpenLearn websites or call one of their support staff in Wales.

📞0300 303 5303

🌐Open University in Wales


Cardiff and Vale College Logo

Provides a range of courses for Young People and Adults as well as offering apprenticeship and junior apprenticeship opportunities.

Apply Via: Apply via website. For more information before applying please call/email the number/email address provided:

📞029 2025 0250

🌐Home – Cardiff and Vale College (cavc.ac.uk)


Race Equality First Logo

To provide high quality support and training to equip people with the appropriate learning, skills, knowledge and confidence to participate in the workforce.

Eligibility: Young people aged 18-24 who are NEET (not in education, employment or training).

Apply Via: Contact telephone number provided:

📞029 2048 6207

🌐Combatting Racial Discrimination in Wales | Race Equality First


Career Change Wales Logo

Training provider for a range of courses including reskilling and vocational courses.

Eligibility: Varied depending on the course applying for, details on provided website.

Apply Via: There is an online contact form on the website: CCW Office | Career Change Wales Training Academy

📞02921 156603

🌐Vocational Training in Cardiff – Home | CCW – Training Academy (careerchangewales.co.uk)


ACT Training Logo

Provide a wide variety of employment related training courses.

Apply Via: Application process online for training: Apply

📞029 2046 4727

🌐Home – ACT Training


Action in Caerau & Ely Logo

One-to-one mentoring and adaptive approaches to support people complete training.

Apply Via: Apply via referral form.

Send referral to the below email, alternatively contact them directly via email or telephone to self-refer.

📞02920 003132

🌐Home – ACE – Action in Caerau & Ely


Reach+ Logo

Offering training and employment support designed to ensure refugees’ needs are understood in a holistic way to support them to address barriers to integration, most notably through access to ESOL and employment.

Eligibility: Refugees

Apply Via: Enquiries and referrals can be made by emailing reach@cavc.ac.uk

📞02920 250271



General Employment Advice & Skills

Cardiff Works Logo

An employment agency focused on offering temporary roles within Cardiff Council. They match recruits with suitable opportunities and offer short-term contracts that provide the chance to kick-start their career.

Apply Via: Register online through the contact form or calling the below number: Contact Us | Cardiff Work

📞02920 873087

🌐Homepage – Cardiff Works : Cardiff Works (cardiffworksrecruit.co.uk)


Working Wales Logo

Employment advice and pre-employment support, help to pick courses and source funding for training and support with redundancy issues and childcare options.

Eligibility: Provides support for a variety of target groups including Young People and Adults.

Apply Via: Call/email the details provided to discuss enrolment. You can also request a call back online on: Contact | Careers Wales

📞0800 028 4844

🌐Working Wales | Working Wales


Innovate Trust Logo

Runs a variety of projects with vocational and recreational opportunities to expand the capabilities and opportunities of those with disabilities.

Eligibility: Working with people with learning difficulties, physical impairments and mental health issues.

Apply Via: Call/email for project information or enquire online on: Contact us | Innovate Trust

📞029 2038 2151

🌐Innovate Trust – Supporting people with disabilities since 1967

Boomerang Cardiff Logo

Currently looking to develop ‘back to work’ support sessions.

Apply Via: Project through HOC – Contact HOC on the email/telephone number provided to be referred.

📞029 2049 7724

🌐Boomerang Cardiff


Finding Work Placements, Apprenticeships, Traineeships & Volunteering Opportunities

Cardiff Living Logo

Offering a range of employment, traineeships, work placements, training and volunteering opportunities.

Apply Via: Email to register for employment support and traineeship/work placement opportunities

📞0330 123 0008

🌐Homepage – Cardiff Living


Ethnic Minorities & Youth Support Logo

Help to find paid supported employment placement of 16 hours for at least 16 weeks.

Eligibility: Aged 18-24 and from a BME background who is not in education, employment or training.

Apply Via: Call/Email to discuss support options.

📞01792 466980



Volunteer Cardiff Logo

The Into Work Volunteering team also provide internal opportunities and support candidates throughout their placement.

Eligibility: Anyone looking to volunteer in Cardiff.

Apply Via: Email the email address provided to enquire about city wide opportunities or call directly.

📞029 2087 1071

🌐Home – Volunteer Cardiff


Volunteering Wales Logo

A network of volunteering opportunities across Wales.

Apply Via: Register online to access opportunities https://volunteering-wales.net/vk/volunteers/index-covid.htm

🌐Welcome – Volunteering Wales


Skills and Volunteering Cymru Logo

Advertises a range of volunteering opportunities across South Wales.

Apply Via: Email/call the telephone number/email address provided to discuss opportunities and enrol/register interest online on: Application Process | SVC

📞02921 67 6781

🌐| SVC


Go Wales Logo

A European Social Funded program designed to give relevant work experience through placements.

Eligibility: Young students in Higher Education who face barriers to securing work experience.

Apply Via: Enquiries can be made via call/email to the below, alternatively you can call Business Wales to be referred on: 03000 603000

🌐GO Wales Student Employability
